Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer

The Bioanalyzer utilizes ‘Lab-on-a-Chip’ technology to integrate sample preparation, fluid handling, separation, detection, and data analysis, which provides researchers with standardized methods and enhanced reproducibility. Each chip contains an interconnected set of gel-filled channels that allow for molecular sieving of nucleic acid and protein samples.

The BioGarage stocks RNA 6000 Pico and High Sensitivity DNA kits for Bioanalyzer users. Users may also choose to purchase their own kits and pay a walk-up fee only.

For more information visit the Agilent web site or contact

A membership is required to access the BioGarage facility.

Before being given instrument access, users are required to attend a training session. To set up a training, please fill out training request below:

Biogarage Training Request

After training, instrument time can be booked using our online scheduling tool. A link to the scheduling tool can be found on the Scheduling page. Please note during sign-up whether you would like a chip provided to you. The Bioanalyzer is available for use on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm. See further policies regarding instrument usage and training below.

BioGarage Policies

The BioGarage supplies chips and reagents for RNA 6000 Pico as well as High Sensitivity DNA kits. If you would like to use a different kit, you can purchase it from the Agilent website.

RNA 6000 Pico guidelines:

  • Sample concentration of 50-5000 pg/ul total RNA in water
  • 11 samples can be run per chip

HS DNA guidelines:

  • For NGS sheared DNA or libraries, sample concentration should be between 100pg/ul – 10ng/ul
  • For PCR samples, sample concentration should be 5-500 pg/ul
  • DNA should be between 50-7000 bp in length
  •  11 samples can be run per chip

Pipettes and tips are not provided by the BioGarage.

**Chips must be removed and the electrodes cleaned after every run to prevent sample contamination. Clients who leave chips in the instrument may be assessed a cleaning fee of $25. Repeated failure to clean the instrument may result in loss of instrument access.**

The cost of training is $150/hr, plus the cost of consumables. Trainings usually take 1-1.5 hours.

You can choose to purchase your own kits or purchase chips and reagents from the BioGarage. Pricing is as follows:

UW System rate Non-UW System rate
 Instrument access only (no kit provided) $20 $31
Walk-up + High Sensitivity DNA Kit (per chip) $95 $147
Walk-up + RNA 6000 Pico Kit (per chip) $60 $93